It happened

You woke up going about your day

Things were good, things were okay

Then all of a sudden everything went astray

Do you cry, do you pray?

You decide, to get up and try again

Even when it hurts, you get up and keep it pushing

Use what you have and make the best of it

To live is to face what life throws at you.

Go on get up, things will get better

Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow

But a day will come when things are good

Your pain won’t be in vain

You will rejoice again


Peace comes from accepting reality, accepting what you cannot change, this could be people, circumstances, or the weather.

When you resist reality, you put yourself in great despair, this leads to unbreable pain that you can’t cope with.

The only thing you can do is to face the pain, Accept the dissapointment and accept that there is nothing you can do to change the situation however you can change your reaction and the way you cope and recover by accepting reality as it is.

Life is a roller coaster and when you ride this roller-coaster you have to accept the highs and the lows that come with the ride if you resist them you will have a very difficult time

So decide weather you want Peace or Pain